TYY's Strategy 2024–2028

In the year 2028, TYY will be the most responsible student union in Finland and will have contributed to improving students' position at the university and in the society at large. We will be offering services that make student life easier and collaborating closely with interested parties. In this way, we will be making student life more humane and bringing students together in memorable encounters.

TYY's Strategy for the years 2024–2028 was formulated by the Strategy Committee, which included a diverse representation of our community. Our activities are guided by our values and the operating principles that help us live up to these values.

In our strategy, we focus on the Student Union's core activities, for which we have defined four categories:

  1. influencing and advocacy,
  2. promoting community spirit,
  3. service provision to members and organisations,
  4. co-operation with interested parties.

Strategic objectives have been defined for these core activities.

Mission: We make student life a once-in-a-lifetime experience for students at the University of Turku, so that everyone will have optimal capacity for active, informed and critical citizenship.

Vision: TYY will be the most responsible student union in Finland at the most appealing university in Finland.