Electoral coalitions and electoral alliances

Electoral coalitions and electoral alliances are listed on the website as soon as they become known to the Student Union.

Known electoral coalitions (groups of candidates) in the Student Union Council election:

Election Coordinator: Paavo Jordman
Instagram: @humanistilista
email: pahjor@utu.fi
tel: 0442000612

Election Coordinator: Maria Yli-Jama
tel: 0447345505

Election Coordinator: Riku-Mikael Leppänen
email: riku.leppanen@elisanet.fi
tel: 0509115078

Ryhmä Fuusio (formerly Hybridiaani)
Election Coordinator: Veera Pajunen
: +358 40 350 2090
TG: veepaj

Ryhmä Lex (in an electoral alliance with TSE-lista and TYY Terveeksi)
Election Coordinator: Venla Tuovinen
email: vevutu@utu.fi
tel: +358 44 318 0943

Social Democratic Students and Independents
Election Coordinatoris: Dora Aro and Miku Kuuskorpi
Instagram: @turundemariopiskelijat
E-mail: dora.j.aro@utu.fi / miku.j.kuuskorpi@utu.fi
tel: +358 44 972 5366 / +358 44 0355500

Election Coordinator: Helena Kukkola
email: hakukk@utu.fi
tel: +358 40 098 3902

TSE-lista (in an electoral alliance with Ryhmä Lex and TYY Terveeksi)
Election Coordinators: Robert Vehma and Pihla Koski
email: rmvehm@utu.fi, pihkos@utu.fi
tel: +358 45 355 9013, +358 50 303 1395

Turun Keskustaopiskelijat
Election Coordinator: Lauri Salo
email: lauri.salo@kol.fi
tel: 0404811622

TYY Terveeksi (in an electoral alliance with TSE-lista and Ryhmä Lex)
Election Coordinator: Veikko Pulkki
email: vepulk@utu.fi
tel: +358 45 127 7946

Viher-TYY (formerly Vihreä lista)
Election Coordinator: Miro Ilvonen
s-posti: mvilvo@utu.fi
puh: 0404129904

Vihreä vasemmisto
Election Coordinators: Jenni Jäntti and Laura Kallio
s-posti: jejojan@utu.fi & laura.i.kallio@utu.fi
puh: 0452676601
TG: (a)jenni_jantti

During the term 2021–2023, the Student Union Council featured the following groups: TSE-lista, Vihreä vasemmisto, TYY terveeksi, Hybridiaani, Ryhmä Lex, Soihdunkantajat, Kokoomus, Vihreä lista & Ryhmä Flex.