Representatives at the moment
This page contains a list of current representatives of students and TYY.
Student representatives in the university's governing bodies
University Board 2024-2025
- Joni Järvinen
- Camilla Saarinen
University Collegiate Council 2024-2025
(substitute in brackets)
- Arvi Tolvanen (Jimi Salonen)
- Henri Laitila (Hannu Kallio)
- Kerttu Hurvi (Jimi Mahonen)
- Kaapo Havuluoto (Elisa Hyvärinen)
- Katariina Moilanen (Teemu Kivimäki)
- Katie Astin (Julia Siimento)
- Mari van den Berg (Armi Söder)
- Maria Yli-Jama (Aino Rönkä)
- Tuomas Alm (Atte Leskinen)
- Veikko Pulkki (Juho Perttula)
Faculty Councils 2024-2025
Faculty of Humanities
- Elina Kivimäki (Meeri Jurkka)
- Henri Laitila (Sylvi Moshnikoff)
- Saara Sillvan (Jutta Tiensivu)
- Joni Järvinen (Armas Töykkälä)
- Niiko Niemi (Joona Maaranen)
- Noora Luukko (Jarno Lantta)
Faculty of Education
- Elisa Leijala (Roosa Partanen)
- Essi Suuriniemi (Verna Myllymaa)
- Jedi Kotilainen (Jenni Mast)
- Mari van den Berg (Vilhelmiina Saharinen)
- Ruut Vuoriluoto (Victoria Luovikari)
Faculty of Medicine
- Johanna Räty (Saana Hartikainen)
- Juho Vanhatalo (Milka Kauhanen)
- Rebecca Suomi (Aino Virolainen)
- Saara Voutilainen (Jeyaniroshan Jeyapalan)
- Veikko Pulkki (Valtteri Sulander)
Faculty of Science
- Aaron Seppälä (Noora Kontoniemi)
- Arvi Tolvanen (Maria Ahola)
- Roni Karjanlahti (Sanni Kivistö)
- Sefra Dahlgren (Essi Olenius)
- Senja Simpura (Alisa Varjonen)
- Vilja Vihervuori (Riina Kuusisto)
Faculty of Law
- Antti Peltonen (Kaapo Havuluoto)
- Elisa Hyvärinen (Sanni-Maria Ylimäki)
- Kia Tarvainen (Ella Soitamo)
- Lari Sorvari (Jimi Salonen)
Faculty of Technology
- Linda Broere (Ruslan Hasanov)
- Teemu Kivimäki (Katariina Moilanen)
- Timi Pietilä (Taru Toivonen)
- Venla Uskali (Janina Paasila)
Turku School of Economics
- Julia Siimento (Kerttu Hurvi)
- Frans Isolauri (Lauri Salo)
- Pihla Koski (Katie Astin)
- Atte Leskinen (Juho Perttula)
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Eetu Lindroos (Jenni Mäkisalo)
- Julia Niinistö (Vilppu Tolvi)
- Matilda Klemola (Aino Rönkä)
Academic Appeals Board
- Jimi Salonen (Miikka Kestikievari)
- Jutta Tiensivu (Ella Soitamo)
Centre for Language and Communication Studies (2025-2028)
- Olli Läpikivi (Miikka Kestikievari)
- Eetu Lindroos (-)
Representatives of the Student Union in university councils and working groups
University Management Team
- Josefina Tuomala, Chair of the Board of TYY
Teaching and Learning Council
- Tero Ahlgren, Specialist for Academic Affairs at TYY (Roosa Partanen, Member of the Board of TYY)
- Victoria Luovikari, Member of the Board of TYY (Hannu Kallio, Member of the Board of TYY)
Sections subordinate to the Teaching and Learning Council:
The task of each section is to monitor and promote the implementation of the University of Turku's strategy and action programmes in its own area. The sections report on their activities to the Teaching and Learning Council.
Well-being section
- Chairman Ville Ritola, Social Policy Specialist at TYY
- Antti Hakamaa, Member of the Board of TYY
Section for the Development of International Programmes
- Vilma Virtanen, TYY's International Affairs Specialist (Shashika Harshani, Member of the TYY Board)
Council for Societal Interaction
- Petra Peltonen, Secretary General of TYY (Tero Ahlgren, Education Policy Specialist at TYY)
General Administrative Steering Group
- Tero Ahlgren, Education Policy Specialist at TYY (Lauri Lahoniitty, TYY's Organisational and Administrative Specialist)
Steering Group for Digitalisation
- Victoria Luovikari, Member of the Board of TYY (Tero Ahlgren, Education Policy Specialist at TYY)
University of Turku Quality Work Steering Group
- Joni Kajander, Education Policy Specialist at TYY (Julia Siimento, Member of the TYY Board)
University of Turku Safety Steering Group
- Petra Peltonen, Secretary General of TYY
University of Turku International Affairs Steering Group
- Vilma Virtanen, International Affairs Specialist at TYY
University of Turku Educational Affairs Steering Group (OHO)
- Tero Ahlgren, Education Policy Specialist at TYY
Steering group for Good academic leadership at the University of the Future training
- Hannu Kallio, Member of the Board of TYY
Indoor Environment Steering Group of the University of Turku and University Properties of Finland
- Ville Ritola, Social Policy Specialist at TYY
Non-Discrimination and Equality Committee of the University of Turku (term ends 31.12.2024)
- Elisa Pirinen (Marko Mäkinen)
- In addition, the equality officer of TYY's Board of Directors has the right to attend the meetings
Steering Group for Academic Recruitment Services at Turku Universities
- contact person: Riina Lumme, Secretary General of TYY
Steering Group for Sustainable Development
- Aada Aho, Member of the Board of TYY (Hanna Kiiskilä, International Affairs Specialist at TYY)
Sustainability in Education Working Group
- Hanna Kiiskilä, International Affairs Specialist at TYY (Aada Aho, Member of the Board of TYY)
Working Group for Sustainable Campus Life
- Aada Aho, Member of the Board of TYY (Hanna Kiiskilä, International Affairs Specialist at TYY)
Sustainability in Research Working Group
- Hanna Kiiskilä, International Affairs Specialist at TYY (Aada Aho, Member of the Board of TYY)
Sote Academy Steering Group
- Annukka Hyry (Roosa-Adalmiina Kesti)
- Sanna Mäkinen (Diana Takala)
University Library Advisory Boards
- Advisory Board for Humanities: Frida-Maria Pessi (Jutta Tiensivu)
- Advisory Board for Education and Social Sciences: Member of the Board of TYY Aino Rönkä
- Advisory Board for Economics and Law: Member of the Board of TYY Jimi Mahonen
- Advisory Board for Medicine, Technology and Mathematical and Natural Sciences: Nuwandi Jayasenthu Kankanamge
Representatives of the Student Union in cooperation bodies and stakeholder administration
Turku Student Village Foundation TYS
- Lauri Toivola
- Petra Peltonen
Finnish Student Health Service FSHS
Board of Turku and Rauma Health Station
- Ville Ritola, Social Policy Specialist at TYY
FSHS Turku Health Working Group
- Ville Ritola, Social Policy Specialist at TYY
- Aada Aho, Member of the Board of TYY
Advisory Board for Development Cooperation KENKKU
- Johanna Virtanen
- Aino Rönkä
City of Turku
Student City Turku steering group
- Petra Peltonen, Chair of the Board of TYY
EC2U Alliance
Student Representatives
- Shashika Harshani (Hanna Kiiskilä)
- Anton Pohjola (Aada Aho)
Board of Directors of Universtas Oy
- Chairman of the Board Matti Lajunen,
- Vice Chairman of the Board Tomi Nyström
- Järvelä Olli
- Tuulia Merivuori
- Oikarinen Elias
- Ossa Jaakko
Board of Directors of Unica Oy
- Matti Lajunen (Kari Karjalainen)
- Toni Eklund (Olli Järvelä)
- Markku Lampi (Tomi Nyström)
Board of Directors of UniGe Oy
- Chairman of the Board Toni Eklund
- Matti Lajunen
Aleksandra Lumme Students of the University of Turku Rent Support Foundation
- Tuulikki Grönholm, Financial Secretary
Board of the Turku Europe Forum
- Aada Aho, Member of the Board of TYY
UTU Talent Boost -network
- Shashika Harshani, Member of the Board of TYY (Vilma Virtanen, International Affairs Specialist at TYY)