Principles for a safer space
A safe space means that everyone has the liberty to be themselves, express themselves freely and participate in all activities. Harassment is absolutely forbidden in a safe space. Harassment is any action or behaviour that is degrading to someone, creates a hostile or unpleasant atmosphere or threatens a person or a group of people.
The purpose of safe space principles is to increase he safety of acting in TYY and its organisations. All organisations are encouraged to create principles of safe space based on TYY principles. Principles of safe space guide members, event participants or other limited group of people for whom the safe space principles have been created and brought to use.
Treat others as you would have them treat you. Note that each of us is an individual and sometimes very different e.g. with regard to personal limits. Do not generalise your preferences.
Do not make assumptions of another person’s identity, gender, sexual orientation or other similar characteristic. You cannot know another person’s experiences, thoughts and life situation or their self-identification for them. However, we constantly make assumptions of other people, try and be aware of yours.
Do not generalise your experience to apply to others. It is not appropriate to define other people’s experience for them.
Be open and listen, respect another person as a human being beyond your own prejudices. Do not question or judge another person’s difference. Demand respect also for yourself.
Give space. Ensure that everyone is heard in a discussion and can participate.
Use language that is understandable also for people outside your own reference group.
Do not use aggressive addresses or expressions towards other people, not to those present or those absent.
Do not harass anyone verbally, by touching or staring. No means no. Stop or change your behaviour if another person so requests. What feels good to you may not feel good to others. Try to interpret the situation and the other party. The most secure method is to ask, listen and respect.
It is allowed to give proper and constructive feedback for improper treatment. If someone provides you feedback about your behaviour, listen to the person giving the feedback. Have an open approach towards the feedback you receive and aim at considering the feedback in the future.
If you need help or support in problematic situations, do not hesitate to ask for it. For example, you can contact On my mind -support student with low threshold and discuss confidentially your experiences and to think about alternative solutions to problematic situations. You can also always ask the support student with you in events. Support students have received training and comprehensive support material and can thus refer you to appropriate professional support, if needed.
> You can contact the support student easily via Shall we talk? contact form!