TYY Protest Against Cuts to Students



TYY facilitates a protest against cuts to students 6.5.2024 in Turku, and invites you to join it.

The current Finnish government has made numerous cuts to students, that TYY opposes. For example there have been made cuts to housing allowances, index freezing to student grant and student allowance has been made more centered around student loan. Now it’s time to act.

The protest starts from Educarium at 13 o’clock and ends in the Market square. TYY has a speech in the market place and possibly other speakers are invited.

TYY’s protest is free from substances and nonviolent. Any kind of violence is not tolerated.

Take your organization’s flag and your friends with you to join the stand for students!

More information about the protest is coming to Instagram @studentuniontyy.

See you then!