Discussing TYY's new Environmental Programme
Come and join us in updating TYY's environmental programme!
TYY follows an environmental programme approved by the Student Union Council. The programme defines TYY’s environmental advocacy guidelines, and it is updated every 4 years or whenever needed. The current programme has been in place since 2020, so TYY has to update it during the year 2024.
You too can now participate in the process of preparing the new programme! We invite everyone interested in the environmental issues of the Student Union to a workshop on Thursday the 4th of April at 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. in Turku-sali.
To attend, you don't need to read the old programme. Please register for the event, so that we can estimate the amount of participants and language: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/769DA5CA27B2AD37
The current programme can be found under "Sustainable TYY" in our website.
Location and accessibility report: https://www.tyy.fi/fi/jasenille/tilat-ja-tavarat/turku-sali