TYY & TuKY: The 15th Anniversary of the Student Union Merger

The Student Union of the University of Turku and The Association of Economics Students in Turku warmly invite everyone to join in commemorating the time when the two student unions became one!
This marks the anniversary of the merger of the student unions, and this year, the occasion will be celebrated with a festive event at the restaurant Monttu at the Turku School of Economics. The program includes some refresments, inspiring speeches, and music. The event is open to everyone, regardless of faculty or year of study. Welcome!
WHAT: Festive celebration of two Student Unions
WHERE: Restaurant Monttu, Turku School of Economics, from 4 PM to 6 PM
COST: Free!
By participating in a TuKY -affiliated event, you agree to follow the association’s Code of TuKY and its principles of conduct.