Turku UN Association
The Turku UN Association (TYKy) is a non-profit and politically non-committed organization that was founded in 1963 to promote international and national understanding and the peaceful activities of nations. The purpose of the association is to make known the goals and principles of the United Nations by promoting the realization of the goals mentioned in the UN Charter and other publications. It strives for this by making known the goals and activities of the UN and its organizations, by offering the association's members the opportunity to influence and participate in social activities, and by stimulating discussion on social issues. TYKy is also a local association under the UN Youth.
The association's goal is to primarily contribute to the solving of globally significant problems through local activities. The association informs about current global issues and makes known the values, goals and principles of the United Nations through its activities. The association includes young people interested in human rights, civic influence, multicultural and international cooperation, and global friendship. The important values of Turku's UN association's activities are equality, equality, openness and effectiveness. We also want these values to be reflected in each of our events and publications.
The purpose of the Turku UN Association is to make known the goals and principles of the United Nations by promoting the realization of the goals mentioned in the UN Charter and other publications. We organize study groups, seminars, discussion events and movie nights. We cooperate with the University of Turku, the student union and non-governmental organizations in Turku.
The board of the association meets approximately every month to discuss and decide on current events and activities. All rank-and-file members of the association and other enthusiasts are also welcome to listen and participate in these meetings. The next meeting time will be announced on the Turku UN Association e-mail list yk-yhdistys@utu.fi and on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tyky_un/.
The association's website can be found at: https://tyyala.utu.fi/turun-yk-yhdistys/