Suomen Kristillinen Ylioppilasliitto - Turku
Christian Fellowship in Turku! Are you an exchange student or will you stay in Finland longer? You are warmly welcomed to take part in Finnish Student Christian Movement's Monday nights at the campus chapel! (address: Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 c) Please join us to meet new friends, enjoy dinner and a time of discussion and prayer together. In the fall we will meet every Monday from 2 pm to 7 pm. You can join us for the whole time or a part of it. The first night will be on 11th of September. See you there!
2 pm to 5 pm: Space to study, write essays etc in the company of others. There will be coffee and tea available.
5 pm dinner together (its free!)
6 pm to 7 pm: discussion and prayer. The exact topics will be updated later.
SKY is a Finnish Christian Student organization. Our aim is to help students to grow both spiritually and as active members of society. We always maintain the prinsiples of safer space in our work and everybody is welcome regardless of their background, church affiliation, sexual orientation etc. The events will include explicitly Christian programm (Bible, prayer, etc.), but you are definitely more than welcome regardless of your faith or whether you have participated in any church before. You can find out more at our instagram page @skyfks or website: Or you can contact the general secretary. (, 050 595 28 67)
We hope to see you on Mondays!!