Turun akateeminen eläinoikeusseura ry
Akateos aims to promote animal rights thinking at the university and bring together like-minded people. Akateos was founded in 2015 primarily because we were able to organize movie nights of Animalia and the Right to Animals organization in the halls of the university. From these early days, Akateos has become more of an organization of its own, according to the interests of its members.
We cooperate with, among others, TYKE, i.e. Turku's social and cultural animal research network, Animalia, Vegan League, Luontoliitto and Dialectica. Autumn 2024 we also have a joint program with Turku Kirjakahvila and B-gallery. In November, we have a large-scale event complex "Perspectives on the relationship with animals", where the city of Turku and its The intermediate space model for culture flagship project are partners.
In past years, Akateos has organized film evenings, reading circles about non-fiction books, fiction and poetry. The reading circles meet according to the agreed schedule to discuss what has been read. In addition, we occasionally hold coffee parties at Feeniks or in the lobby of Publicum. Last winter, an art club was also organized, where the participant paid a small fee for materials and gets his work displayed in the exhibition of the mentioned intermediate space project.
Free-form member programs have included cooking evenings, Christmas parties and picnics. In these, Akateos usually handles the servings.
In Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akateos/
In Facebookista: https://www.facebook.com/akateos