Hall of Fame - Suggest who will be awarded at the organization gala by Oct 20th!


Please submit your nomination by October 20th!

Has your organization excelled in advocacy this year? Have you improved the sense of community within the organization or taken international involvement to the next level? Did you come up with a new way to promote student culture? Has your organization done amazing work in communications?

If you have an answer to any of these questions, or if you have thoughts about another well-deserving organization, please write them down because the search for the 2024 Hall of Fame organizations is now open! You can nominate organizations that have excelled in different sectors using the link at the top of the page. The form includes more detailed instructions for nominations. You can nominate your own organization or an organization you have observed from a distance.


In 2024, we are looking for organizations to be awarded in the following categories:

  • TYY International Award
  • Advocate for Academic Affairs
  • Advocate for Social Policy
  • Promoter of Student Culture
  • Most Communal Organization
  • Environmental Actor of the Year
  • Special Theme Award 2024 – Create Your Own Category


The Hall of Fame Organization Gala

The Hall of Fame winners will be announced at the traditional Organization Gala on November 14th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Night Club Vegas. Don’t let the name of the event fool you, it’s a relaxed evening with light refreshments and a short program. After 9:00 PM, you can continue the evening at the ESN Uni Turku ry party! More information about registration for the Organization Gala will be shared closer to the event.

The Hall of Fame is a tradition started in 2021, where organizations are awarded in different categories. Winners and honorable mentions are chosen for each category. TYY’s Hall of Fame includes a large wooden board in Assarin ullakko, where brass plaques display the winners and categories for each year.